Hello can someone help me with the atanltis output...
# contributors
Hello can someone help me with the atanltis output in git, there are a lot of Ks? Ty... output:
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Detected Terraform directory at .
[K  [96;1m⠋[0m Running terraform plan WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K  [96;1m⠙[0m Running terraform plan WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K  [96;1m⠹[0m Running terraform plan WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K  [96;1m⠸[0m Running terraform plan WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K  [96;1m⠼[0m Running terrafo
Hi! Are you using the Infracost Atlantis integration? https://github.com/infracost/infracost-atlantis
yes I'm using it, in my environment and approval returns ok, but in the production it returns with this visual pollution, the only difference that in the production environment I use modules.
my values.yaml
workflow1: plan: steps: - init - plan: extra_args: ["-var-file", "workspaces/workflow1.tfvars"] - env: name: INFRACOST_API_KEY value: xxxxxxxxxx - env: name: INFRACOST_TERRAFORM_BINARY command: 'echo "terraform${ATLANTIS_TERRAFORM_VERSION}"' - run: infracost diff --path . --terraform-plan-flags="-var-file=workspaces/workflow1.tfvars"
in my approval environment it returns ok*
There's a script that wraps infracost for atlantis, so our integration uses that in the run step:
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  "run": "/home/atlantis/infracost_atlantis_diff.sh"
I think the weird characters are caused by the spinners which are disabled if you set
. The atlantis wrapper script does this already here
🙌 1
ok i will try
👍 let us know if it works for you and if we can help more
👍 1
Good evening! Now I have a problem using terraform modules: Using modules does not show the cost: Plan Error Show Output exit status 1: running "/home/atlantis/infracost_atlantis_diff.sh" in "/atlantis-data/repos/xxx/aaa/36/homolog(workspace)/pubsub": Without using module shows ok: Infracost output: Project: /atlantis-data/repos/xxx/aaa/36/hom/new(workspace)/new-hom.tfplan show the costs below ok
Using modules and bucket
@proud-gpu-8364 were there more logs? Can you try running with
(https://github.com/infracost/infracost-atlantis#atlantis_debug) and
(cc @white-airport-8778 if he has any ideas)
Would it help to run infracost against that repo locally with modules? maybe there is a panic in the resource being processed and that’s causing the CLI to crash?
Thanks for the answers, I'm checking the logs and the next step will be to use a local module i'm using the structure below, is there a better way to declare the extra arg and the run? workflow: plan: steps: - init - plan: extra_args: ["-var-file", "workspaces/bbb.tfvars"] - env: name: INFRACOST_API_KEY value: xxxxxxxxxx - env: name: INFRACOST_TERRAFORM_BINARY command: 'echo "terraform${ATLANTIS_TERRAFORM_VERSION}"' - run: infracost diff --path . --terraform-plan-flags="-var-file=workspaces/bbb.tfvars"
@proud-gpu-8364 another option could be to generate the plan JSON then use that with
infracost --path
, that way infracost does not run any Terraform commands, so something like this:
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- init
- plan:
    extra_args: ["-var-file", "workspaces/bbb.tfvars"]
- run: terraform show -json $PLANFILE > $PLANFILE.json
- env:
    value: xxxxxxxxxx
- run: infracost diff --path $PLANFILE.json
- run: rm $PLANFILE.json # might be good to cleanup
👍 1
ty! now i can focus again in this KKKKKKKKKKKKs
Copy code
Detected Terraform directory at .
[K  [96;1m⠋[0m Running terraform plan WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K[K
@proud-gpu-8364 great! I forgot the log-level, that should disable the spinners that cause those KKKKKs (we think):
Copy code
- init
- plan:
    extra_args: ["-var-file", "workspaces/bbb.tfvars"]
- run: terraform show -json $PLANFILE > $PLANFILE.json
- env:
    value: xxxxxxxxxx
- env:
    value: info
- run: infracost diff --path $PLANFILE.json
- run: rm $PLANFILE.json # might be good to cleanup
Thanks so much for the help level log worked! Now I will work on taking this time out and making it more beautiful, I verified that we can use tables to visualize the price outputs. time="2021-06-07T144921Z" level=info msg="Detected Terraform directory at ." time="2021-06-07T144921Z" level=warning msg="Can't sync usage file as it's not specified" time="2021-06-07T144921Z" level=info msg="starting: Running terraform plan" time="2021-06-07T144921Z" level=info msg="Running command: /usr/local/bin/terraform plan -input=false -lock=false -no-color -var-file=workspaces/xxxx.tfvars -out=/tmp/tfplanxxxx" time="2021-06-07T144925Z" level=info msg="starting: Running terraform show" time="2021-06-07T144925Z" level=info msg="Running command: /usr/local/bin/terraform show -no-color -json /tmp/tfplan079928929" time="2021-06-07T144927Z" level=info msg="starting: Calculating monthly cost estimate" [1mProject:[0m . [32m+[0m [1mmodule.exemplo.google_pubsub_subscription.pubsub_subscription["sub1"][0m Cost depends on usage [32m+[0m Message delivery data Cost depends on usage [2m +$40.00 per TiB
@proud-gpu-8364 🦜 Add
to that
infracost diff
command to get rid of those
chars, they’re for terminal colors. Also, we’d be more than happy to help make the output look nicer for Atlantis, ping here if you get stuck
in time, thanks for all the help.
👍 1