Hi guys, just testing out Infracost. I was surpris...
# general
Hi guys, just testing out Infracost. I was surprised that changing region has no effect on costs, neither changing the node type… Check it out here Does that look good? I changed from 20 to 40 nodes and yes, it reflected this, but not the costs mentioned earlier
Hi Sergio, For the region, I see the node_pool still has
location = "europe-west3"
. Could that be why? For the node type it looks like it can’t evaluate
. Is that local defined anywhere?
I guess that was it. Thank you. But now I don’t get any comment. Did I run out of API calls?
(There’s no error in the pipeline)
Hmm, logs show this:
Copy code
time="2022-11-21T20:38:25Z" level=info msg="Finding matching comments for tag infracost-comment"
time="2022-11-21T20:38:25Z" level=info msg="Found 1 matching comment"
time="2022-11-21T20:38:25Z" level=info msg="Updating comment <https://gitlab.com/DrumSergio/infracost-test/-/merge_requests/3#note_1180230156>"
Comment posted to GitLab
Was there a comment there that got deleted?
Oh, yes, but it was earlier.. hmm, okay. Thank yoiu
For some reason it seems to still think that comment exists. Can you re-run the pipeline and see if it works?
Yes, just running it now, let’s see
Yes, it’s working. Thanks for the support. I’ll present it to my company
Awesome glad it’s working. Let us know how it goes!
About the Infracost extension in VScode: I have tons of repos, but only three are appearing when I click on the Infracost tab. How can I select which repo do I want to use with Infracost? Because i’m modifying one of them and I don’t see the results.
Tagging @mysterious-teacher-68276 in case he has any ideas how to debug this
Hey @limited-sunset-83675 we have now way to “select” which repos to use with the extension. The extension indexes all the ones found in the current workspace. If you want to target a specific project, I’d recommend opening only that folder in VScode. That being said, the extension should be able to auto-detect any projects in your workspace, so there could be something funky going on here. Here are a few follow-up questions to try and narrow down what’s going on: 1. Does the project you are modifying have a
block in the root module? This is how we autodetect a Terraform project. So if your project doesn’t have this at the root level and uses a non-standard way of working with providers, Infracost won’t be able to show this project in the sidebar. 2. If this project is a new folder, the extension needs to be re-indexed by clicking the refresh button in the Infracost extension sidebar. 3. If the above conditions aren’t something apply to you then Infracost error/debug logs can be found by following the guide here https://github.com/infracost/vscode-infracost#locating-infracost-error-logs. This might provide more information about what the underlying problem is
Yep, I had to open it in a window apart. Now it works. Seems having so many terraform folders breaks the integration... FYI
Thank you for your prompt response!