:roller_coaster: Infracost v0.10.37 is released! ...
# general
🎢 Infracost v0.10.37 is released! This is a maintenance release that includes an important fix for the
infracost comment github
command that effects GitHub Action users: • Handle int64 GitHub database ids by @tim775 in #3082 Other improvements and fixes: • Support for Google Cloud Run resources by @awaismemon26 in #3067 • Add free azure devtest lab resources by @ewencodes in #3079 • Add support for Aurora Serverless V2 by @aliscott in #3088 • Read autogenerated
with remote module fix. by @hugorut in #3066 • Support launch templates references which use
by @hugorut in #3069 • Support hidden directories in autodetect by @aliscott in #3071 • Propagate default provider tags to volume tags by @hugorut in #3070 • Add the project path as a dependency in generated output by @hugorut in #3074 • Update cost pricing lookups for azure vms by @tim775 in #3082 • Add tfvar files to the project dependency paths by @owenrumney in #3096 ...and a bunch of other refinements under the hood for a better overall experience. 👉 Full changelog https://github.com/infracost/infracost/compare/v0.10.36...v0.10.37 Thanks @fresh-sunset-17083 and @ewencodes for your contributions, and welcome to the team @adventurous-nail-5992!