We've been using infracost successfully in GitHub ...
# general
We've been using infracost successfully in GitHub Actions for a long time, but just recently our
infracost comment github ...
commands started failing with
The pull request comment was generated successfully but could not be posted:\njson: cannot unmarshal number 2147719327 into Go value of type <http://githubv4.Int|githubv4.Int>
. Can anybody suggest how to troubleshoot this? I'll post our usage in a thread.
Our complete GitHub Action:
Copy code
# <https://github.com/infracost/actions/#quick-start>
name: Infracost

      - 'terraform/environments/production/**.tf'
      - 'terraform/modules/aws/application/**.tf'

    name: Infracost
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: read
      pull-requests: write

      TF_ROOT: terraform/environments/production

      - name: Setup Infracost
        uses: infracost/actions/setup@v3
        # See <https://github.com/infracost/actions/tree/master/setup> for other inputs
          api-key: ${{ secrets.INFRACOST_API_KEY }}

      # Checkout the base branch of the pull request (e.g. main/master).
      - name: Checkout base branch
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          ref: '${{ github.event.pull_request.base.ref }}'

      # Generate Infracost JSON file as the baseline.
      - name: Generate Infracost cost estimate baseline
        run: |
          infracost breakdown --path=${TF_ROOT} \
                              --project-name production \
                              --format=json \
          INFRACOST_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.INFRACOST_API_KEY }}

      # Checkout the current PR branch so we can create a diff.
      - name: Checkout PR branch
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      # Generate an Infracost diff and save it to a JSON file.
      - name: Generate Infracost diff
        run: |
          infracost diff --path=${TF_ROOT} \
                          --project-name production \
                          --format=json \
                          --compare-to=/tmp/infracost-base.json \
          INFRACOST_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.INFRACOST_API_KEY }}

      # Posts a comment to the PR using the 'update' behavior.
      # This creates a single comment and updates it. The "quietest" option.
      # The other valid behaviors are:
      #   update (default)  Update latest comment
      #   delete-and-new - Delete previous comments and create a new one.
      #   hide-and-new - Minimize previous comments and create a new one.
      #   new - Create a new cost estimate comment on every push.
      # See <https://www.infracost.io/docs/features/cli_commands/#comment-on-pull-requests> for other options.
      - name: Post Infracost comment
        run: |
            infracost comment github --path=/tmp/infracost.json \
                                     --repo=$GITHUB_REPOSITORY \
                                     --github-token=${{github.token}} \
                                     --pull-request=${{github.event.pull_request.number}} \
          INFRACOST_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.INFRACOST_API_KEY }}
here is the output of debug mode:
Copy code
2024-06-04T15:02:21Z DEBUG IsCloudEnabled inferred from Config.EnabledDashboard is_cloud_enabled=false
2024-06-04T15:02:21Z INFO Finding matching comments for tag infracost-comment
2024-06-04T15:02:22Z DEBUG received an error trying to post comment pausing 1 seconds then will retry error="The pull request comment was generated successfully but could not be posted:\njson: cannot unmarshal number 2147719327 into Go value of type <http://githubv4.Int|githubv4.Int>\n\nSee <https://infracost.io/docs/troubleshooting/#5-posting-comments> for help."
2024-06-04T15:02:23Z INFO Finding matching comments for tag infracost-comment
2024-06-04T15:02:23Z DEBUG received an error trying to post comment pausing 2 seconds then will retry error="The pull request comment was generated successfully but could not be posted:\njson: cannot unmarshal number 2147719327 into Go value of type <http://githubv4.Int|githubv4.Int>\n\nSee <https://infracost.io/docs/troubleshooting/#5-posting-comments> for help."
2024-06-04T15:02:25Z INFO Finding matching comments for tag infracost-comment
2024-06-04T15:02:25Z DEBUG received an error trying to post comment pausing 4 seconds then will retry error="The pull request comment was generated successfully but could not be posted:\njson: cannot unmarshal number 2147719327 into Go value of type <http://githubv4.Int|githubv4.Int>\n\nSee <https://infracost.io/docs/troubleshooting/#5-posting-comments> for help."
2024-06-04T15:02:29Z INFO Finding matching comments for tag infracost-comment
2024-06-04T15:02:29Z DEBUG received an error trying to post comment pausing 8 seconds then will retry error="The pull request comment was generated successfully but could not be posted:\njson: cannot unmarshal number 2147719327 into Go value of type <http://githubv4.Int|githubv4.Int>\n\nSee <https://infracost.io/docs/troubleshooting/#5-posting-comments> for help."
2024-06-04T15:02:37Z INFO Finding matching comments for tag infracost-comment
Error: The pull request comment was generated successfully but could not be posted:
json: cannot unmarshal number 2147719327 into Go value of type <http://githubv4.Int|githubv4.Int>
See <https://infracost.io/docs/troubleshooting/#5-posting-comments> for help.
2024-06-04T15:02:37Z DEBUG 'POST' request to '/event' using trace_id: 'b0d328f3-3402-4aad-a9b5-f52f7b824171'
2024-06-04T15:02:37Z DEBUG performing request method POST url <https://pricing.api.infracost.io/event> library=retryablehttp
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
##[debug]Finishing: Post Infracost comment
Hi thanks for reporting. We are working on pushing a release for this now.
There is an issue in our github graphql client where we were are not handling int64s correctly.
thanks for the quick reply, and for addressing the underlying issue. am i correct in assuming that once the fix is pushed, then
uses: infracost/actions/setup@v3
will pick up the newly released version and our action will just work again?
perfect. thank you.