:wave: Hey everyone, I’m looking for a few people ...
# general
👋 Hey everyone, I’m looking for a few people to help me with the next round of usability tests focused on Guardrails and Centralized Cost Policies - please DM me if you have ~15mins to help in the next week or two. This’ll involve a Zoom screen-share where I’ll ask you to create a Guardrail and make notes of all the rough edges you hit so we can improve the product.
Let me know if you have a way or need for a solo open source user to help!!!
@refined-optician-52834 thanks - yeah that would be awesome, I’ll DM you 🙂
AFAIK these features are only available for infracost cloud right ?
@polite-engineer-31217 yep but you can goto the Org Settings page and click on extend trial to try them if you like to help with the usability test?
the thing is we have nothing in infra cloud so not sure I can help you
Ah I should have made it clear, you don’t need anything in Infracost Cloud as we’re usability testing the setup of these things, which don’t need runs/PRs/integrations
ok, sorry for the confusion. So yes, count me in
Feel free to send a meet my way and I can run through it with ya too.