:wave: Hey everyone, It’s been a huge month, with...
# general
👋 Hey everyone, It’s been a huge month, with many new capabilities and features! Here’s our December update blog 💰📉 : • Guardrails help you control costs by monitoring pull requests and triggering actions when your defined thresholds are exceeded • Centralized cost policies enable you to define central policies and scan your repositories for cost saving opportunities • See cost of PRs in Jira issues • README badges • Override cloud region with env vars • Reports • Lots of new resources • Significant speed improvements for Terragrunt • Support for CDK for TF • Two new flags,
to make it easy to run Infracost on mono repos (that you can use alongside
), and
to shows all projects in the summary table of the PR comment. • New version of the VSCode extension with improved error handling, bug fixes and simpler onboarding flow • Terraform Enterprise Run Task integration improvements (firewall configs are published in docs) Also, a big thank you for the issues you report, pull requests you send, and discussions you contribute to. We look forward to continuing to work with y’all in 2023 🎉