Greetings ... I am working on scoping out a projec...
# general
Greetings ... I am working on scoping out a project that is related to infracost, but based around the idea of generating costing information that would be used by infracost to compare a physical data center deployment to a public cloud provider. We have nicknamed the project IFF (Infrastructure Financial Framework). Our objective is to reconcile financial data stored within an ERP system and then associate those items to categories, with allocations if aggregated, within the framework to generate absolute, loaded and retail costing values that would then be used by infracost. We would be looking to store physical asset information within Netbox with an association back to the purchase of the item. I am interested in finding somebody who is willing to participate in the scoping effort and then be brought on as a contractor to develop the code associated with the framework, which would be open sourced, ideally as a complement to infracost. This way infracost's focus would remain in tact and colocated or on-premises deployments would make use of IFF. We are more concerned with the backend functionality before putting any significant efforts into creating a GUI.
🚀 3
Sounds like an interesting project! Some related github issues are and - we’d also be happy to chat more about these sorts of things in the next community call.
Would love to participate in the next community call. My employer can't be the only ones wanting to look at their own costs this way