Hey team, Can you check the error below I received...
# general
Hey team, Can you check the error below I received from
github actions
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Error: Error processing module at '/home/runner/work/infra-terraform-configurations/infra-terraform-configurations/aws/deployments/terragrunt.hcl'. How this module was found: Terragrunt config file found in a subdirectory of ./aws. Underlying error: /home/runner/work/infra-terraform-configurations/infra-terraform-configurations/aws/deployments/terragrunt.hcl:55,41-64: Error in function call; Call to function "find_in_parent_folders" failed: ParentFileNotFound: Could not find a account.hcl in any of the parent folders of /home/runner/work/infra-terraform-configurations/infra-terraform-configurations/aws/deployments/terragrunt.hcl. Cause: Traversed all the way to the root..
Hi @many-easter-94952 if you pass the root directory as the path it should find these. What is the location of the account.hcl file and are you able to post your action config yaml?
Thanks for the answer @little-author-61621 I receive a similar error with the root directory as below. I have multiple
on this repo since this is a parent or a hub repo for other services. i.e. infrastructure-configurations/aws/deployments/m*/dc-inf*/account.hcl I cannot post the content of the config files unfortunately.
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time="2022-09-27T13:54:12Z" level=info msg="Detected Terragrunt directory at ."

Error: Error processing module at '/home/runner/work/infra-terraform-configurations/infra-terraform-configurations/aws/deployments/terragrunt.hcl'. How this module was found: Terragrunt config file found in a subdirectory of .. Underlying error: /home/runner/work/infra-terraform-configurations/infra-terraform-configurations/aws/deployments/terragrunt.hcl:77,47-70: Error in function call; Call to function "find_in_parent_folders" failed: ParentFileNotFound: Could not find a config-secrets.enc.yaml in any of the parent folders of /home/runner/work/infra-terraform-configurations/infra-terraform-configurations/aws/deployments/terragrunt.hcl. Cause: Traversed all the way to the root..
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
Okay so this error is coming from the underlying Terragrunt library. I’m wondering what the paths of the file you’re expecting it to find are, and if you could post the line that is calling the
function. A workaround for just now would be trying to use the
flag and see if that works, as per this issue.