Is there a way to add another user to an organisat...
# general
Is there a way to add another user to an organisation?
Great timing on this question! We’re releasing support for this later this afternoon. I’ll ping you when it’s live.
great thanks
been waiting for this as well, glad it’s coming
This is live! Let us know if you run into anything unexpected.
Even better, if you have 10mins to jump on a Zoom call today I’d love to watch you use it for the first time to see what usability issues you run into 🙂
Hi sorry, was finished with work when this came in, can do it today if you want and its still helpful
@silly-laptop-9121 thanks 🙏! @white-airport-8778 won’t be online until later this afternoon so will wait for him to respond if he wants to do more usability testing.
@silly-laptop-9121 sure that would be helpful! It shouldn’t take more than 5mins, DM if you still have time and I’ll send a zoom link
We can also do this async, try out the feature and DM with any feedback or issues you ran into 🙂
Hi Ali, sorry missed these again, I guess our time zones don’t sync well. If you let me know the earliest you can do a zoom call for happy to schedule one in tomorrow.