Hey everyone, I am just starting with Infracost an...
# general
Hey everyone, I am just starting with Infracost and evaluating it to use in my company. I got a few questions around the self-hosting option that I didn't find in the documentation, so I hope here is the right channel, if not, please point me in the right direction. 1. I saw that in Infracost Cloud it's possible to setup custom price books (like AWS EDP), is that something we can setup on the self-hosting instance? Or we would need to update on Infracost Cloud, so when the DB pulls the new price list it loads also the custom prices? 2. Running the self-host option, is there any internal Dashboard that could be shared with different teams (regarding their accounts and projects), with different access levels with some price breakdown for their PRs? or we would have to have them all going to Infracost Cloud to check that? CI/CD integrations: 3. If we have our own Infracost Docker image configured (and security reviewed) do we need to add any particular tooling to make it work? Or it's just straight forward setup the container when running to connect to the self-host pricing API? 4. I was playing with the VS Code integration, but I couldn't find anyway to setup that with the self-hosting option, is that current how it works? Or Am I missing something? Thank you all
👋 Hi @narrow-activity-20660! Regarding questions 1 and 2, both are part of Infracost Cloud (we can demo them to your team if it’s helpful). The self-hosting Cloud Pricing API doesn’t support those things. Re question 3, our CI docker image installs these too so I would include them if you need to make your own image:
bash curl git openssh-client jq
Regardless of using our or your own image, you can set the env vars to point the CLI to your self-hosted Cloud Pricing API. Re question 4, the VSCode extension uses the CLI underneath, so you can just configure your CLI to use your self-hosted Cloud Pricing API. BTW, are you thinking of running infracost against your HCL code, or do you already have a plan JSON file being generated in pipelines that you want to use?
Hey @white-airport-8778, thank you for all the answers. Answering your question, 99% of the use case for us is against HCL code.
@narrow-activity-20660 perfect - any issues just ping here 🙂
Hey @white-airport-8778, do you have a sales department/person that I can connect to discuss usage and licensing? I work on a FinOps team and I am looking to adopt Infracost on my company but I would like to discuss pricing, support and all that bureaucracy.
Hey @narrow-activity-20660 - yep, please email hassan.hosseini@infracost.io - he’s my other co-founder that’s handling sales 🙂