I am using infracost configure set api_key $INFRAC...
# help
I am using infracost configure set api_key $INFRACOST_API_KEY in my gitlab pipeline to set my key and now it say , " Infracost free monthly run limit exceeded. Please contact hello@infracost.io to purchase usage pack" is the limit is for single infracost account or a project how does it calculate as far as i understand there are 1000 runs by default, can you please help me understand?
@rough-lamp-14794 the limit is for an Infracost account, and it limited to 1000 CLI calls for
infracost breakdown
infracost diff
. You can buy usage packs here: https://infracost.io/pricing
It is not picking up my new account when i run in the pipeline , do we need to set the $INFRACOST_API_KEY to the new key always ? i am running infracost configure set api_key "key" in my git lab runner but it is still considering the old key. it is mandatory to chnages the gitlab key variable or can we override it in the runner using the set command again?
@rough-lamp-14794 are you creating new accounts to avoid the 1000 limit?
no , we are using single account for all the pipelines due to which the test jobs are executing on large number , now we are trying to sperate the accounts for tests separately. but when testing to set the key i am not able update the key in .config using set command as cicd variable is taking the priority
ok, yes I think the environment variable will always override anything.