Hello, I am using the Infracost Github Actions Wor...
# help
Hello, I am using the Infracost Github Actions Workflow. I have an existing main branch with many terraform files, when I make a PR, the new resource price is calculated but the new monthly cost does not include the exisiting .tf files already on the default main branch. Is there a way to include the existing terraform files in the new monthly cost? Also, is it possible to exclude certain folders from Infracost? If I move a .tf file to that archive folder, I want Infracost to remove that .tf file's cost as if it was deleted
By default infracost only shows the costs of the projects that have changed in the PR, so if you have changed a
project, the new monthly cost is shown for just those projects. If you want to see all the projects you can use the
with the
infracost comment
command. It is also possible to exclude certain folders from infracost, you can either write a config file to support this or pass the
flag to both
infracost breakdown --path . --exclude-path archive