Hi Team, I am using GHE 3.11 and when i am postin...
# help
Hi Team, I am using GHE 3.11 and when i am posting comment in PULL request , only i am getting this Monthly cost will not change. nothing else, is this correct output or something wrong with posting comment? infracost comment github --path=infracost.json \ --repo=$GITHUB_REPOSITORY \ --github-token=${{secrets.CI_GITHUB_TOKEN}} \ --pull-request=${{github.event.pull_request.number}} \ --github-api-url="https://internalurl/api" \ --behavior=new \ --log-level debug
@thousands-area-56497 are you expecting a cost change? Can you check the logs of the GitHub Action and see if there’s any error logs there.
Yes my diff command output file has cost difference but its not posting as comment. GH action log /usr/bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8) 2024-04-05T085926Z DBG IsCloudEnabled inferred from Config.EnabledDashboard is_cloud_enabled=false 2024-04-05T085926Z DBG 'POST' request to '/graphql' using trace_id: 'bedb30b1-6015-4a36-xxx-xxxxx' 2024-04-05T085926Z DBG performing request method POST url http://internalurl/graphql library=retryablehttp 2024-04-05T085926Z DBG IsCloudEnabled inferred from Config.EnabledDashboard is_cloud_enabled=false 2024-04-05T085926Z INF Creating new comment 2024-04-05T085926Z INF Created new comment: https://internalurl/pull/22#issuecomment-158753 2024-04-05T085926Z DBG 'POST' request to '/event' using trace_id: 'bedb30b1-6015-4a36-bebd-b4ddb3e82e35' 2024-04-05T085926Z DBG performing request method POST url http://internalurl/event library=retryablehttp 2024-04-05T085926Z DBG writing 0 objects to filesystem cache Comment posted to GitHub
Thanks @thousands-area-56497. Are there any logs from the
infracost breakdown
infracost diff
command. Also Are you able to output the
file to see what it contains?