Currently we are using Azure pipeline and Bitbucke...
# help
Currently we are using Azure pipeline and Bitbucket repo for our ci/cd. But couldnt find any details how to integrate this setup with terraform-infracost-BB-azurepipeline. I could see diff with infracost in pipeline but couldnt find a way to see the diff in prettier way similar to csv.
I think you can follow this example, but instead of
infracost comment github
run the
infracost comment bitbucket
command mentioned in this example so the PR comment gets posted to your bitbucket repo.
but that is for bitbucket pipeline. right?
Our setup is BB repo uses azurepipeline for ci/cd
> but that is for bitbucket pipeline. right? no, my answer above means you run infracost in azure pipelines, and azure pipelines just posts the comment to your bitbucket repo (
infracost comment bitbucket…
If you email we can setup a quick call to explain or screenshare with you if it helps 🙂
sure. @white-airport-8778 much appreciated
@white-airport-8778 Its done. Can we have the call asap