:roller_coaster: Infracost v0.10.35 is released! ...
# general
🎢 Infracost v0.10.35 is released! This is release adds support for new resources and paves the way for our new solution for usage costs (to be announced soon!) Key improvements: • Usage Type Defaults: Add usage type defaults for most usage basd resources. • RDS Extended Support: Add support for RDS extended support costs • EKS Extended Support: Add eks extended support cost • Azure Network DDoS Protection Plan: Add support for
• Azure App Configuration: Add support for
• Azure Federated Identity Credential: Add support for
• Azure AI Services: Add support for Azure AI services: Speech, OpenAI and LUIS • Azure AI Language: Add support for Azure AI Language (TextAnalytics ...and a bunch of other refinements under the hood for a better overall experience. 👉 Full changelog https://github.com/infracost/infracost/compare/v0.10.34...v0.10.35