Can anyone direct me where to add an SSH key to my...
# help
Can anyone direct me where to add an SSH key to my GitHub setup. The wizard thought I did not have any private git modules (which is wrong) and now I can't for the life of me figure out how to edit the config to upload a private key.
morning @gorgeous-cpu-18947, I haven’t visited the onboarding wizard in a while but I’m surprised it’s not something we don’t allow you to do from there. cc @white-airport-8778 for feedback. In order to add an SSH key to your existing integration 1. head to Org Settings > Integrations > Installed Integrations (GitHub). 2. Then click Next after selecting the repos you want to connect. 3. Click YES on “Do you use private git modules?” and enter your key 4. Click “Complete setup” Any time you want to change any settings for your integration you can head back to this page
let me know if this helps and if you have any other problems getting setup
@mysterious-teacher-68276 - it seems like once you've accessed the wizard you can't go back.
Clicking on the ⚙️ next to Github shows that it's already installed and you have no further options.
you want to click on the one with the green check
😱 thanks - found it!
@gorgeous-cpu-18947 just FYI that @worried-traffic-5808 is shipping a change to improve the usability of that (see attached). Thanks for the feedback!