Humble Greetings Infracost.... I need help with er...
# help
Humble Greetings Infracost.... I need help with errors encountered when setting up a Github App... sharing 🧵
Copy code
Run errored generating the cost estimate

Infracost diff failed.

/usr/local/bin/infracost command was closed with a non 0 exit code: time="2023-08-11T12:20:10Z" level=info msg="Evaluating Terraform directory at ." Detected Terraform project at . Detected Terraform project at . time="2023-08-11T12:20:10Z" level=info msg="Starting: Downloading Terraform modules" time="2023-08-11T12:20:10Z" level=info msg="Starting: Downloading Terraform modules" time="2023-08-11T12:20:11Z" level=info msg="Starting: Retrieving cloud prices to calculate costs" Error: Invalid --compare-to Infracost JSON, found duplicate project name <repo_name>
I did add deploy keys to the Github repo as part of the
authentication ... also added the key to Infracost during setup.
Hello! it looks like your directory structure is not so trivial and Infracost is unable to distinguish your projects, thus naming them the same. To solve that you can set a config file which describes the structure of your repo. Please read the documentation here, it is possible to set up a config template in your repo's settings:
Hi @busy-agent-35515,that for sharing, will have a look