in my humble opinion, everything is ok with pointe...
# contributors
in my humble opinion, everything is ok with pointers in the code. can anyone have encountered such kind of errors?
go test ./internal/providers/terraform/aws/waf_web_acl_test.go -v -update
=== RUN   TestWafWebAclGoldenFile
=== PAUSE TestWafWebAclGoldenFile
=== CONT  TestWafWebAclGoldenFile
tftest.go:274: Couldn't copy terraform init cache from /home/dima/infracostFork/infracost/.test_cache/terraform_init
✔ Running terraform init
✔ Running terraform plan
✔ Running terraform show
--- FAIL: TestWafWebAclGoldenFile (45.08s)
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [recovered]
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x10 pc=0x875901]
What branch are you on? I would be happy to help to find the problem.
❤️ 2
INFRACOST_LOG_LEVEL=info make -s run ARGS="breakdown --path internal/providers/terraform/aws/testdata/waf_web_acl"
might offer some clues too
👍 2
We already found what problem is was, thank you guys :)
🙌 2