So, this is very cool! Browsing a TF repo in VS Co...
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So, this is very cool! Browsing a TF repo in VS Code and running
infracost breakdown --terraform-parse-hcl
from a terminal inside it to get costs output in a very short time. I was wondering what the ideas were for further VS integration? Brainstorming a bit: • Hit F5 to run the breakdown? • Run breakdown on save and display the results in a tab? • Integrate with Visual Studio (as opposed to VSCode)? (Not sure how much value there is in this exactly, but I thought at first from the blogpost that's what this was.) • Have a side panel (mockup pictured) which showed you the bottom line, updating whenever you saved or browsed the git history?
🙌 1
🎉 nice! At the moment we don’t really have any “concrete” ideas for the code editor integration, but I’m really liking the idea of a side panel to provide realtime feedback
I know @busy-agent-35515 has some thoughts on how an integration could work
One thought I had was if it’s possible a metadata above each resource/module in the HCL. For example how “0 references” is shown here:

Oooh that’s nice
I thought to experiment with LSP, but haven't had a chance yet
I don’t think it would be too difficult to update the HCL parsing to add files and line numbers as metadata to each resource. Am I right Hugo?
should be fine
we already do this a bit to add
attributes to resources
it’s essentially the same process
w the codelens api for vscode makes it trivial
🙌 3
ah yeah that’s nice
I dont know enough about infracost internals but it would be good if you didn't have to run a breakdown to get the costs and instead it just imputed the costs for each resource on declaration, get it could be a bit heavy though..
Yeah that’s interesting, we could probably do something to scope it down to resources, so we can process them individually. The complication may come from any interdependent resources