I am trying to register my Github organization int...
# help
I am trying to register my Github organization into Infracost Cloud but I never received the approval token. Do you know where should I get this token? thanks in advance
Hi @magnificent-musician-91472, you should be able to see the approval code in the ’Org Settings > Integrations` page.
What stage did you get to when connecting Infracost to GitHub?
@little-author-61621 after the installation it redirects me to this page…
this is the token that I am missing… I am not sure from where I should get this one
@magnificent-musician-91472 looks like we’re having an issue with that just now. Let me look into it and I’ll get back to you.
@little-author-61621 thanks!
@magnificent-musician-91472 thanks for reporting this. Looks like it’s to do with an issue on GitHub’s end (https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/61291). I’ll update you once we get a fix in.
@little-author-61621 you are very welcome! good to see that GitHub is working on this issue, I hope they can solve this quickly
@magnificent-musician-91472 this should now be fixed. You should be able to go through the installation process again. You may need to uninstall the App from the GitHub side first. Can you let me know if you see any more issues with it?
@little-author-61621 just tested and it worked now! many thanks for your help… just for the record I went through all the installation process again
Awesome thanks! 🙏