I was testing out the infracost /graphql API, I wa...
# help
I was testing out the infracost /graphql API, I was able to get only one payload
Copy code
  "query": "{ products(filter: {vendorName: \"aws\", service: \"AmazonEC2\", region: \"us-east-1\", attributeFilters: [{key: \"instanceType\", value: \"m3.large\"}, {key: \"operatingSystem\", value: \"Linux\"}, {key: \"tenancy\", value: \"Shared\"}, {key: \"capacitystatus\", value: \"Used\"}, {key: \"preInstalledSw\", value: \"NA\"}]}) { prices(filter: {purchaseOption: \"on_demand\"}) { USD } } } "
Is there any place I can get the different payloads or how to build the payload for different cloud providers?
For individual resources you can read the code to find the specific attributes filters
This helps. Thanks you @busy-agent-35515