<@U04PKF0UTU2> re <this question> (I moved it here...
# help
@stocky-exabyte-82602 re this question (I moved it here as we use #help for questions): Can you set the version param in the setup task
version: 0.10.17
(which is the latest CLI version) - I wonder if that’ll avoid querying the GH API for release versions (I’ve not checked the code yet but it’s worth a quick try)
also, if you’re using Azure DevOps with GitHub repos, I recommend using the GH App due to the benefits mentioned in the doc
Thx @white-airport-8778. I'm on Azure DevOps with Azure repos. Will try the param and report back (hopefully quickly).
Looking good so far @white-airport-8778. Have run pipelines 10+ times with no issues.
Awesome - nice job on finding the root cause! Can you possibly create a GH issue with that root cause and the workaround to help the community in case others hit this issue until we fix it properly?
Could you confirm if you want the issue created in that project and not in infracost-azure-devops ?
ah good point, the repo you mentioned is a better place for it