I’m more than happy to do some local development m...
# help
I’m more than happy to do some local development myself if there aren’t any other resources committed to it, just need to be pointed in the right direction.
Hey Scott, great question! This part of the Cloud Pricing API readme explains our team’s current focus and plans for adding other vendors. Saying that, a while ago, a community contributor started on working to add the prices to the Cloud Pricing API but I’m not sure how far they got.
That’s pretty cool architecture, seems like it would be easy to iterate.
Since that PR Digital Ocean has made a lot of changes including the
tool and other API improvements that may make this easier… or possible at all I suppose.
If I wanted to start contributing at all, I’d have to work on this repo and ensure that the pricing is properly indexed and up to date through this service?
yep! the first step is getting the prices into the Cloud Pricing API, then the CLI repo can query them and you can follow that repo’s contributing tutorial to add resource mappings.
Is it ok to do partial implementations e.g. Droplet or Spaces only resources for a PR or does the entire provider need to be finished?
I’ve not looked into the pricing API for digital ocean recently, but for AWS/Azure/Google, we added full support for the prices as they have an API that returns everything. We then added popular resources one by one, e.g. the expensive fixed resources like droplets and spaces make sense to do first. Does that make sense?
It’s probably a good idea to first review the CLI contributing guideline, then try a good-first-issue such as https://github.com/infracost/infracost/issues/1372 so you get an overview of the resource mappings work. Then look at more substantial work.
Digital Ocean’s pricing for Droplet’s is (mostly) about the slug, which is returned from their sizes API.
But there are some incremental costs such as monitoring, ipv6 support and backups that add monthly fees as well, which I’m sure you encounter all the time with other providers.
I’m going to reach out to their team and see what sorts of programmatic resources they provide. Thanks for your help, happy Friday!
yep, checkout this docs page on how users can model those usage-based resources. Awesome - thanks, happy Friday!