Hello Team, I've installed cloud-pricing-api for s...
# help
Hello Team, I've installed cloud-pricing-api for self-hosting by using helm chart. But, I had an error when it runs init-job I got the message in cloud-pricing-api-init-job--1-xxx
cloud-pricing-api@0.3.10 data:download
node dist/cmd/dataDownload.js
Copy code
  "level": 30,
  "time": 1674028217845,
  "pid": 62,
  "hostname": "cloud-pricing-api-init-job--1-j4j55",
  "msg": "Starting: downloading DB data"
Copy code
  "level": 50,
  "time": 1674028217846,
  "pid": 62,
  "hostname": "cloud-pricing-api-init-job--1-j4j55",
  "msg": "There was an error downloading data: connect ECONNREFUSED"
I think it has not set the right address for Infracost API but I cannot find any parameters in values.yaml I only set 3 parameters in values.yaml.
infracostAPIKey : "ico-xxxxx" (value what i checked in infracost web page)
api.selfHostedInfracostAPIKey : "1234" (value what I decided)
job.infracostPricingAPIEndpoint: "cloud-pricing-api.finops.svc.cluster.loc"
I have not found any way to fix it. Any assistance greatly appreciated. thanks.
Hi @quick-eve-19812 from the information provided it seems that the script is having problems resolving the
endpoint. Are you able to resolve this hostname in the cluster? There’s some useful debugging steps outlined here https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/dns-debugging-resolution/ which can help verify if this endpoint is actually accessible
yes, the endpoint is accessible, and the curl command (in below websites) also gets a normal response. https://www.infracost.io/docs/cloud_pricing_api/self_hosted/#troubleshooting
The endpoint(cloud-pricing-api.finops.svc.cluster.local) means kubernetes service domain of "cloud-pricinng-api"
yes I understand that - are you executing these curl commands from inside the cloud-pricing-api pod?
No, I executed the curl command in another pod
so for the download data job
needs to be set to fetch data from our pricing api, i.e. https://pricing.api.infracost.io
I think we need to approach infracost to download db dump. I don't know why appears in the log.
ok.. you mean
does not mean cloud-pricing-api that I installed?
no - it needs to be our endpoint
as that’s where the data is fetched from
right now your trying to download data from your own api - which doesn’t exist
ok I understand. I'll try that url you shared. thanks~
if you just remove that configuration it defaults to our endpoint
so you can just remove
I think
ok, I'll try it thank you for your support.
oh.. I think it is working!! I misunderstood that parameter thank you, thank you so much.
no probs
just a follow up question - why have you chosen to self host vs using our managed service? Given that it’s free.
our security team does not allow terraform codes to go out. So, I had to choose self-hosting.
Ok understood, just an FYI we don’t actually send any Terraform code to our pricing api at all, you can see what information we send here: https://www.infracost.io/docs/faq/#what-data-is-sent-to-the-cloud-pricing-api
Yes, actually, our security team doesn't want the infrastructure code to go out. The same goes for information about infrastructure. Thank you for all your support. Infracost helps us a lot in what we do.