Hello team, I'm using `infracost comment github` c...
# help
Hello team, I'm using
infracost comment github
comment in my github actions pipeline, and I'm facing the error:
err: invalid Infracost JSON file version. Supported versions are 0.2 ≤ x ≤ 0.2
I'm using the same JSON file for
infracost breakdown
command and its shows relevant output. Can someone please help me on this
Hi, can you paste the relevant parts of your actions pipeline
Copy code
- name: Infracost for ${{ github.event.inputs.project_name }} in ${{ github.event.inputs.region }}
        if: ${{ (env.spoke_subscription_id != null) && (github.event.inputs.infracost == 'true') }}
        run: |
          infracost configure set api_key ${{ secrets.INFRACOST_API_KEY }}
          infracost breakdown --path /tmp/infracost/${{ env.spoke_subscription_id }}-${{ github.event.inputs.ritm }}-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.event.inputs.project_name }}-level3-*.json
          infracost comment github --path=/tmp/infracost/${{ env.spoke_subscription_id }}-${{ github.event.inputs.ritm }}-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.event.inputs.project_name }}-level3-*.json \
            --repo=${GITHUB_REPOSITORY} \
            --pull-request=${{needs.pull-request.outputs.output-number}} \
            --github-token=${{ secrets.PAT }} \
ok so it looks like
/tmp/infracost/${{ env.spoke_subscription_id }}-${{ github.event.inputs.ritm }}-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.event.inputs.project_name }}-level3-*.json
is a terraform plan.json file right?
infracost comment
needs --path set to the output of the
infracost breakdown
command in JSON format. You should add the
--format=json --out-file=/tmp/infracost-out.json
to breakdown, and change comment to
infracost comment github --path=/tmp/infracost-out.json …
It worked !! Thank you so much