Hey guys, just a quick one. Does the monthly cost ...
# help
Hey guys, just a quick one. Does the monthly cost automatically use the aws region pricing when I specify to my TF?
For example, if I use
region, does the monthly cost pricing will use that?
Hey James, yep, the region is detected from the TF code. It falls back to us-east-1 if it can’t find the region, running with
--log-level debug
should show region warnings if that happens. There’s an open issue about region overrides too.
Cool thanks @white-airport-8778
Just trying to understand.... how does it work when I set currency into AUD?
Does it converting from USD to AUD using the current market rate like from xe.com?
yep, I can’t remember if we use xe.com or another service, but since cloud vendors usually publish prices in USD, the costs will be converted from USD to your preferred currency using the current exchange rate when the CLI is run. (from our docs here)