hi all, running a quick poc currently for my org a...
# help
hi all, running a quick poc currently for my org and integrating infracost into our gh actions pipeline. Following the guide https://github.com/infracost/actions?tab=readme-ov-file#quick-start with the only difference being that I have to pin the action sha such as
due to security constraints. Upon running the worklfow however I get the following error:
Copy code
Error: infracost/actions/d5dd739fb5eae81f31bf09fea5c290186a91964a/action.yml (Line: 37, Col: 7): Required property is missing: shell
Error: infracost/actions/d5dd739fb5eae81f31bf09fea5c290186a91964a/action.yml (Line: 47, Col: 7): Required property is missing: shell
Error: infracost/actions/d5dd739fb5eae81f31bf09fea5c290186a91964a/action.yml (Line: 54, Col: 7): Required property is missing: shell
Error: GitHub.DistributedTask.ObjectTemplating.TemplateValidationException: The template is not valid. infracost/actions/d5dd739fb5eae81f31bf09fea5c290186a91964a/action.yml (Line: 37, Col: 7): Required property is missing: shell,infracost/actions/d5dd739fb5eae81f31bf09fea5c290186a91964a/action.yml (Line: 47, Col: 7): Required property is missing: shell,infracost/actions/d5dd739fb5eae81f31bf09fea5c290186a91964a/action.yml (Line: 54, Col: 7): Required property is missing: shell
bit of googling later this seems like a composite action issue and doesn't seem to be a client side issue I can fix. Any ideas on how to resolve it?
Hi can you share your workflow.yml?
try adding
into the action path on line 199. so:
uses: infracost/actions/setup@d5dd739fb5eae81f31bf09fea5c290186a91964a
resolved, ty