Hello Infracost team, I'm running in to 2 issues w...
# help
Hello Infracost team, I'm running in to 2 issues with our deployment and I'm trying to figure it out how to fix it. 1. It seems like all PRs that create new resources do not have the GitHub Infracost app comment on the PR. But PRs that have changes to existing resources do trigger a comment. If I change the Github integration to "Always Comment on Pull Requests" it appears that Infracost will in-fact comment on the pull request with the updated costs. 2. We are doing a modular approach to our terraform where you have to go a few layers deep on modules when you run terraform, as such we have 1 specific instance where 1 set of tags is counting as a miss on governance checks (I checked the actual created resource and the tags do in-fact exist) How would I got about getting assistance on this?
Hi Philip, I’ll DM you to get details 🙂