Hello there! I am trying to run infracost in a Lam...
# help
Hello there! I am trying to run infracost in a Lambda Golang function, using os.exec. However, when I execute
infracost --version
the Lambda abruptly exits.
binary exists in the Docker image, has the 755 permissions, and is in the path. What I just recently found out is the fact that when I execute
for the very first time, it creates the file (and the folders)
. I am thinking that the inability of Lambda to create these folders and file is what causes it to exit. WDYT?
Hi @damp-baker-46244 - try setting this env variable to see if that helps
AFAIK we use that file to check if the version being used is the latest and add an upgrade message in the output etc.
Unfortunately, it still creates that
Is there a way to point that file to a specific path?
the CLI uses https://github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir to get the home dir and create that file in there (like most other CLI tools), so depending on the OS that the lambda is using then maybe try setting the
env to see if that helps?
btw, can you plz share more about your use-case on why you need to run infracost in a lambda? do the CI/CD integrations not work?
We are using TFE and we would like to run infracost on every workspace. We thought about using the existing TFE integration but that means that we would have to send JSON plans to your servers, which is a no go for our infosec policies. That is why we are trying to implement a Lambda TFE run task for infracost
export HOME=/tmp
worked! I managed to execute
infracost --version
. However, when I am running
infracost breakdown --path plan.json
I get the same behaviour as before
Did you consider using one of the existing CI/CD integrations? those parse HCL code directly so a plan JSON isn’t needed at all
When I run infracost locally, I see that it creates 2 files: • ~/.config/infracost/configuration.yml • ~/.config/infracost/credentials.yml Do you know how I can change the directory of these 2 files as well? Are they any other files that infracost uses?
We did look at the options but I do not think any of them suits us. We would like to have a cost estimation output on every TFE run and not only on every PR
Aside from those 2 files, the price lookups are cached locally too but under the PWD where infracost is running from. So two options I can think of are: 1. copy infracost and the plan.json into /tmp and run it from there. And always run infracost like this
HOME=/tmp infracost breakdown...
HOME=/tmp infracost diff...
2. make the home dir and the PWD where infracost runs writable.
How are you appending the cost estimate to the TFE run? I’d love to jump on quick screenshare and see how that works!
I get the following output:
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$ls -lisah /tmp
total 24K    
      2    4.0K drwx------    3 sbx_user 990         4.0K Feb 29 12:54 .
      2    4.0K drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        4.0K Feb 29 12:53 ..
  29601    4.0K drwx------    3 sbx_user 990         4.0K Feb 29 12:54 .config
     12    4.0K -rw-rw-r--    1 sbx_user 990         3.5K Feb 29 12:55 config.json
     11    8.0K -rw-rw-r--    1 sbx_user 990         5.7K Feb 29 12:55 plan.json
$ls -lisah /tmp/.config
total 12K    
  29601    4.0K drwx------    3 sbx_user 990         4.0K Feb 29 12:54 .
      2    4.0K drwx------    3 sbx_user 990         4.0K Feb 29 12:54 ..
     13    4.0K drwx------    2 sbx_user 990         4.0K Feb 29 12:54 infracost
$ls -lisah /tmp/.config/infracost
total 12K    
     13    4.0K drwx------    2 sbx_user 990         4.0K Feb 29 12:54 .
  29601    4.0K drwx------    3 sbx_user 990         4.0K Feb 29 12:54 ..
     14    4.0K -rw-------    1 sbx_user 990          106 Feb 29 12:54 .state.json
when I try to execute
infracost configure set currency EUR
, lambda just exits. Keep in mind that there is already an env var
I also tried to execute
infracost configure set api_key {api_key_value}
but still fails. My guess is that it cannot create the necessary files
is there a way to not cache the price lookups? Lambdas are considered standalone executions and there is no need for a cache
Can you try using env vars for those?
there’s also this. This is what our CI/CD integrations do to avoid needing to write those values in files.
I wanted to see where infracost creates the configuration files it needs
(the configure command is more designed for laptop use-case - they should be writing to the config.json file too)
I am going to try the env vars now and then execute
infracost breakdown
The price lookup cache is useful even with 1 CLI run as in many cases the same price is needed by multiple resources in a run
Even after setting:
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environment {
    variables = {
      LOG_FORMAT                  = "json"
      INFRACOST_LOG_LEVEL         = "info"
      INFRACOST_CURRENCY          = "EUR"
      INFRACOST_API_KEY           = <api_key>
      HOME                        = "/tmp"
and run the following Go code
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cmd := exec.Command("infracost", "breakdown", "--path", "/tmp/plan.json")
	out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		log.WithError(err).Error("could not run infracost breakdown")
		return resp, err
I get a lambda timeout, which is set to 30 seconds...
What am I missing here? 🤔
can you plz set INFRACOST_LOG_LEVEL to
and see if that gives clues on what’s taking long?
Hey there! I added the following env vars to Lambda:
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I created the following folders programmatically: • /tmp/.config/infracost -> stores
, and
files • /tmp/.infracost -> stores the cache file
However, Lambda still freezes, produces no logs and eventually timeouts when it executes
infracost breakdown --path /tmp/plan.json
sadpanda When I locally run the same Docker image with the same envs, everything runs as expected...
I made progress and made
infracost configure set currency GBP
work! Still, breakdown is not working
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"message": "2024-03-01T10:42:44Z DBG IsCloudEnabled explicitly set through Config.EnabledCloud is_cloud_enabled=false",
"message": "Configured currency",
I will look at the code again and see if anything does not play along with running in a Lambda
It’s hard to debug without logs - does the lambda memory/cpu/network charts on cloudwatch show any spikes? Maybe give the lambda function 16GB of memory temporary to ensure it’s nothing funky with that. Also try this small plan.json file too.
I will try them and let you know. Thanks
One other thought, maybe run this before the Infracost CLI is run to ensure you get a HTTP 200 response, to rule-out any network issues
curl -i -v <https://dashboard.infracost.io/>
I disabled the dashboard and cloud upload
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that’s ok, the curl just tests network connectivity to our domain infracost.io, you can test it like this:
curl -i -v <https://pricing.api.infracost.io/health>
Hey there @white-airport-8778! Happy new week! I managed to make it work! SG did not allow any egress so it was timing out 🤦
But now it works! This is a comment with the debug output of
infracost breakdown --no-color --path plan.json
without debug logs. Is there any way to make it more visually appealing?
@damp-baker-46244 sorry I missed the messages - that’s awesome! Here are some suggestions: 1. Try running
infracost diff --path plan.json
as that shows the diff, not a breakdown, which is usually more useful as the engineer can review only the changes. 2. Does that view in TFC have a way to render markdown? If so, maybe try adding
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before and after the CLI output so it renders using code block with a better font for text output.
3. If they render markdown, you can also do this so you get the markdown for the same thing we put in GitHub comments:
```infracost diff --path plan.json --format json --out-file infracost.json

infracost output --path infracost.json --format github-comment
That is a great suggestion! I know that TFE comments box supports markdown text. I will try that and will let you know! I have also been working on TFE run task callback outcomes, which is a feature on the latest TFE version. This allows you to send elaborate outcomes which are way more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing
Sounds promising! Keep me posted on how it goes, or if you’d like a demo of the Infracost Cloud governance features like the tagging policies/finops policies/guardrails as those can give the TFE run task additional superpowers that FinOps teams really like