> 1. Is there a smarter way to setup this conf...
# help
1. Is there a smarter way to setup this config? I’m having issues managing the varied directory structures:
```version: 0.1
{{- range $project := matchPaths "app/env?/terraform.tf" }}
{{- if ne $project.app "modules" }}
- path: ./{{ $project._dir }}
{{- if ne $project.app "ami-upgrade" }}
- ../inputs.auto.tfvars
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- range $project := matchPaths "app/env/:why/terraform.tf" }}
{{- if ne $project.app "modules" }}
- path: ./{{ $project._dir }}
{{- if ne $project.app "ami-upgrade" }}
- ../../inputs.auto.tfvars
{{- end }}
{{- end }}```
{{- end }}
@mysterious-teacher-68276 any ideas on this?
@acceptable-kilobyte-27376 was asking about it 🙂
I think a clearer example of how to formulate an if statement for like pattern matching might help?
I think a clearer example of how to formulate an if statement for like pattern matching might help?
Not sure I fully understand what your asking here?
I made a minor change as well, because the naming is also somewhat relative.
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version: 0.1
{{- range $project := matchPaths ":app/:env?/terraform.tf" }}
  {{- if ne $<http://project.app|project.app> "modules" }}
    - path: ./{{ $project._dir }}
      name: {{ $<http://project.app|project.app> }}-{{ $project.env }}
    {{- if ne $<http://project.app|project.app> "ami-upgrade" }}
        - ../inputs.auto.tfvars
    {{- end }}
  {{- end }}
{{- end }}

{{- range $project := matchPaths ":app/:env/:why/terraform.tf" }}
  {{- if ne $<http://project.app|project.app> "modules" }}
    - path: ./{{ $project._dir }}
      name: {{ $<http://project.app|project.app> }}-{{ $project.env }}-{{ $project.why }}
    {{- if ne $<http://project.app|project.app> "ami-upgrade" }}
        - ../../inputs.auto.tfvars
    {{- end }}
  {{- end }}
{{- end }}
So everything in this repo is set to use a var file that's at.. ./<app>/<env>/<file>.tfvars Problem is some of the components exist at: ./<app>/<env>/main.tf and ./<app>/<env>/<something>/main.tf
So I'm trying to figure out how set the path relatively. In some cases its: ../file.tfvars others: ../../file.tfvars
If that makes zero sense what I have seems to work. I just felt like there might be a cleaner way.
No that makes sense, just out of curiosity do you have the latest version of the CLI on your machine? We’ve made some updates to the autodetection functionality so in your repos case you might not even have to write a config-file
I installed it locally this morning via
curl -fsSL <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/infracost/infracost/master/scripts/install.sh> | sh
I however did not try to see what happens without a config file. Maybe I missed it (or was specifically looking at the config file section). How would we test locally without a config file at all? Just remove
yup exactly
in terms of a cleaner way with your config file - there isn’t really a cleaner way because of the way we require var files to be made relative
it’s bit a pain I know, we are looking to improve this
Okay.. That actually looks super right. Follow up from that.. If we set an account wide config file base how would we override a repo to use nothing instead? Or would the better path be to look at removing that altogether?
Okay.. That actually looks super right.
💪 nice
Follow up from that.. If we set an account wide config file base how would we override a repo to use nothing instead?
Hmm we’d have to write a config file with the special autodetect syntax (nots in the docs at the moment). We don’t have a way to specify “don’t use a config-file” at the moment as these new auto-detect improvements are very recent.
Or would the better path be to look at removing that altogether?
Let me link up with @white-airport-8778 about this and we can discuss but this might be the best way. Are all of your repos in a semi consistent fashion? i.e. how you specify vars e.t.c?
No.. Not at all. Its actually a real headache
ha no worries, most people are like this, no one has it consistent
We have service repos that store their terraform stuff in a
folder. It looks like that doesn't get parsed by the autoconfig (I assume it ignores .folders).
Error: No valid Terraform files found at path
ah yeah we don’t parse hidden directories
ok well for the repos that work with config detect you can update them to use this special config-file:
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version: 0.1
{{- range $mod := .DetectedRootModules }}
  {{- range $project := $mod.Projects }}
  - path: {{ $mod.Path }}
    name: {{ $project.Name }}
    {{- range $varFile := $project.TerraformVarFiles }}
      - {{ $varFile }}
    {{- end }}
  {{- end}}
{{- end }}
Yeah. So we'd need a way to like.. Flag config to NOT use the org settings file. Because the service repos are our most numerous and changing repos.
cool - we can also probably make a change to support hidden directories as well, shouldn’t be too much of an issue
which means you could ditch all the config files
Would having an Exclude filter in the Org-level cofig file be good idea? or would you prefer to have a per-repo flag in that UI?
I could see hidden directories TOTALLY going either way
when I say hidden directories I mean, having a whitelisted list that you specify that we look in
i.e., look in
Oh yeah. That would simplify things.
At the same time the "default logic" code block is something we can easily put in our one-off repos. So its not a huge issue.
ok well in the meantime this config file: https://infracost-community.slack.com/archives/C046GMHQ6NM/p1705520810031719?thread_ts=1705519634.794369&amp;cid=C046GMHQ6NM should work for that. Until we have that flag drafted.
Yeah I've tested it a little and it looks good. Thank you!
Okay follow up to the followup. On some of our more simple repos it looks great. On our more confusing repos it doesn't seem to do the job at all. The estimated cost projection dropped from like $17k to $3k. And it seemed to group things a level "up". The config we're using for that repo is...
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version: 0.1
{{- range $module := matchPaths ":module/resources/:env/:name.tfvars" }}
  - path: ./{{ $module.module }}
    name: {{ $module.env }}-{{ $module.module }}-{{ $module.name }}
    include_all_paths: true
      - resources/{{ $module.env}}/{{ base $module._path }}
{{- end }}
{{- range $module := matchPaths ":module" }}
  {{- if not (startsWith $module.module ".")}}
    {{- if isDir $module.module }}
      {{- if not (pathExists $module.module "resources") }}
  - path: {{ $module.module }}
    name: {{ $module.module }}
      {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
  {{- end }}
{{- end}}
Ok sorry I didn’t see this yesterday, was late in France. Which repo is this and I can have a look what’s going wrong