Hello, Im new to infracost and have been reading u...
# help
Hello, Im new to infracost and have been reading up on the docs. I noticed a few references to being able to fetch data from cloud apis to populate the usage file, but the links to those docs dont actually link to any information about that feature. E.g. https://www.infracost.io/docs/features/usage_based_resources/#fetch-from-cloud-apis Is this feature still supported, and are there docs for it anywhere?
@narrow-dinner-45042 we removed those docs as they were for an experimental feature we did - you can see the old docs for it here. The feature still works in the current version but it’s to be decided how we’ll change that in future versions (it’ll be improved either way as we build more automation around the usage file).
Gotcha. Would you recommend I explore this feature in its current state? Or should I hold off since its subject to change
Sure explore it as it just updates the usage file, and future iterations will also just update the file. So it’s not the sort of thing that’ll break your CICD workflow
Ah that makes sense, good to know. Thanks!