I'm changing correctly the api key in the example ...
# help
I'm changing correctly the api key in the example curl request. I also checked my API KEY is not legacy (starts with ICO)
The API is available, can you plz check the curl as sometimes the single or double quotes get changed when pasted in the terminal
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curl <https://pricing.api.infracost.io/graphql> \
  -X POST \
  -H 'X-Api-Key: ico-xxxxxxxxx' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '
  {"query": "{ products(filter: {vendorName: \"aws\", service: \"AmazonEC2\", productFamily: \"Compute Instance\", region: \"us-east-1\", attributeFilters: [{key: \"instanceType\", value: \"m3.large\"}, {key: \"operatingSystem\", value: \"Linux\"}, {key: \"tenancy\", value: \"Shared\"}, {key: \"capacitystatus\", value: \"Used\"}, {key: \"preInstalledSw\", value: \"NA\"}]}) { prices(filter: {purchaseOption: \"on_demand\"}) { USD } } } "}
Copy code
  "data": {
    "products": [
        "prices": [
            "USD": "0.1330000000"
I got it working, just not in the terminal, I did it in code. Thank you