Hello all! I'm wondering why the azurerm_virtual_w...
# help
Hello all! I'm wondering why the azurerm_virtual_wan shows up as a 'free product' when on the Azure Pricing calculator, it shows up as quite an expensive resource:
Hi @mysterious-farmer-38954, https://github.com/infracost/infracost/issues/910 explains how the prices are modeled in that service. Does that make sense to you? I’ve not used that specific Azure service before myself
Unfortunately I don't understand this part of the github issue:
• If
then we should treat it as a free resource
On the Azure pricing calculator there is no 'basic' level?
Here's a link to the pricing calculator: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/calculator/
I think the
refers to the SKU in https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/azurerm/latest/docs/resources/virtual_hub What is your azurerm_virtual_hub.sku set to? My guess is that if it’s not set, it default to basic but unless we deploy that resource it’s hard to tell what TF does https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-wan/pricing-concepts#fee mentions “There’s no base fee or data processing fee for hubs in a Basic virtual WAN” and https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/virtual-wan/ only shows prices for Standard SKU.
So is this an issue with the azure pricing calculator, instead of an issue with Infracost?
i.e the 'Basic' version isn't selectable on the pricing page
Ok, so if I specify the Virtual Hub as sku = "Standard", then the price is correct. It looks like defining type = "Standard" on a vWAN doesn't affect the price at all.
Indeed we’ve seen issues with the Azure price calculator before, sometimes bugs, sometimes just confusions 🙂 In this case, I think their price calculator just assumes “Standard” is being used, and this page says “There’s a base fee for the hub, which is priced at $0.25/hr” for Standard, which matches what the calculator and the Azure pricing page shows. But if you’re using
in Terraform then “There’s no base fee or data processing fee for hubs in a Basic virtual WAN”
Ah yeah it looks like they dont list free resources on their pricing calculator. That makes alot more sense. Thanks for your help 🙂
vHubs are so expensive 😞
Yup! We just spent a good hour trying to understand one service’s prices… now multiply that by thousands of engineers in large companies and you can see why cloud costs mushroom over time, cloud pricing is complicated… infracost exists to make it simple so we can keep shipping code instead of faffing bout with price calculators and spreadsheets
I'm considering proposing infracost to higher ups in my company - it looks really good. Is the free tier allowed for business use? We are a not-for-profit
Yep, up to 1000 runs per month is free on Infracost CI/CD (the PR comments). Infracost Cloud has a 2 week free trial, you can email hello@infracost.io if you need an extension - or you can buy 1 seat online self-service if you want to test it for a few months 🙂
Perfect thanks for all your help 🙂