Hi Guys, i am using the bitbucket cloud solution p...
# help
Hi Guys, i am using the bitbucket cloud solution private repository and trying to connect with infracost. I use the bitbucket pipeline as described here https://bitbucket.org/infracost/infracost-bitbucket-pipeline/src/master/ but its not working as expected and i did some changes - see below the pipeline (tocken is NOT Crtical :-)) ------------------------------------------ pipelines: # Recommended: run infracost on pull requests and new commits to them. pull-requests: '**': - step: name: Run infracost # Always use the latest 0.10.x version to pick up bug fixes and new resources. # See https://www.infracost.io/docs/integrations/cicd/#docker-images for other options image: infracost/infracost:ci-0.10 script: # Clone the base branch of the pull request (e.g. main/master) into a temp directory. # You may want to use $BITBUCKET_GIT_SSH_ORIGIN if you're using a private repository - | mkdir -p /tmp/base cd /tmp/base git clone https://x-token-auth:ATCTT3xFfGN01Z7YxR6qvEXoscwmhX4u3OT15CBUkPPep-hH4uip12rk1wRTm-viIbgnH5pQ=94DF2B2E@bitbucket.org/finsec/docappy-gitops.git # git clone $BITBUCKET_GIT_SSH_ORIGIN --branch=$BITBUCKET_BRANCH --single-branch /tmp/base # If you use private modules, add an environment variable or secret # called GIT_SSH_KEY with your private key, so Infracost can access # private repositories (similar to how Terraform/Terragrunt does). #- | # mkdir -p ~/.ssh # eval
ssh-agent -s
# echo "$GIT_SSH_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add - # Update this to github.com, gitlab.com, bitbucket.org, ssh.dev.azure.com or your source control server's domain # ssh-keyscan bitbucket.org >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts # git clone $BITBUCKET_GIT_SSH_ORIGIN --branch=$BITBUCKET_BRANCH --single-branch /tmp/base # Generate Infracost JSON file as the baseline, add any required sub-directories to path, e.g.
. - | infracost breakdown --path=/tmp/base \ --format=json \ --out-file=infracost-base.json # Generate an Infracost diff and save it to a JSON file. - | infracost diff --path=./ \ --compare-to=infracost-base.json \ --format=json \ --out-file=infracost.json # Posts a comment to the PR using the 'update' behavior. # This creates a single comment and updates it. The "quietest" option. # The other valid behaviors are: # delete-and-new - Delete previous comments and create a new one. # new - Create a new cost estimate comment on every push. # For Bitbucket Cloud: # If you're using a User token or App password: # use --bitbucket-token=myusername:$BITBUCKET_TOKEN, where the token can be a User token or App password. # If you're using a Repository access token: # use --bitbucket-token=$BITBUCKET_TOKEN # For Bitbucket Server: # use --bitbucket-token=$BITBUCKET_TOKEN with your HTTP access token. # use --bitbucket-server-url=https://your-bitbucket-server.com to override the default https://bitbucket.org. # See https://www.infracost.io/docs/features/cli_commands/#comment-on-pull-requests for other options # including --exclude-cli-output that posts only the summary table. - | infracost comment bitbucket --path=infracost.json \ --repo=$BITBUCKET_WORKSPACE/$BITBUCKET_REPO_SLUG \ --pull-request=$BITBUCKET_PR_ID \ --bitbucket-token=stefan@domain.com:$BITBUCKET_TOKEN \ --behavior=update -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- error message is 401 see image below - Do you have any idea?
@calm-dawn-89594 there’s some bas commands to help debug this under the Troubleshooting section here: https://bitbucket.org/infracost/infracost-bitbucket-pipeline/src/master/ Can you try that with the token you’re using to see if that has the same issue?
I saw that but was not successful
401 and 403 you mean
Okay so it seems to be an issue with either the token value then or how the token is being passed in. I see you’re passing
as the value. Does this work if you use your bitbucket username instead of your email?
my username is my email
i use the same
oh i see what you are saying its not my email - let me try