Hey, when running the breakdown for a terragrunt r...
# help
Hey, when running the breakdown for a terragrunt repo I am getting the following issue:
Copy code
  Failed to parse the Terragrunt code using the Terragrunt library:
1 error occurred:
        * value is null
goroutine 104 [running]:
        /opt/hostedtoolcache/go/1.19.12/x64/src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x65
I have multiple terragrunt environments with the setup like -
Copy code
├── nonlive
│   ├── stage
│   │   ├── account.hcl
│   │   ├── vpc
└── terragrunt.hcl
Any ideas on how to rectify? Terragrunt validate returns successful
@brief-ice-47661 looks like this error is coming from the internal terragrunt libraries. 1. Is there anything more in the stack trace/debug logs (
) that could help 2. Are you able to provide a reproducible project that we can use to replicate this issue?
Hey @little-author-61621 Thank you for the response These are the last few log lines for the debug output before showing the error in the first message
Copy code
time="2023-09-29T10:08:44+01:00" level=debug project_path=. sync_usage=false enable_cloud_org=false library=terragrunt currency=USD routine=15 provider=terragrunt_dir project_name= msg="time=2023-09-29T10:08:44+01:00 level=debug msg=Module /home/kyle/github/proj/proj-terraform/terragrunt/nonlive/stage/rabbitmq/setup has finished successfully! prefix=[/home/kyle/github/proj/proj-terraform/terragrunt/nonlive/stage/rabbitmq/setup] "

time="2023-09-29T10:08:44+01:00" level=debug currency=USD func="<http://github.com/infracost/infracost/internal/config.(*RunContext).IsCloudEnabled|github.com/infracost/infracost/internal/config.(*RunContext).IsCloudEnabled>" file="/home/runner/work/infracost/infracost/internal/config/run_context.go:259" sync_usage=false enable_cloud_org=false msg="IsCloudEnabled is true with org level setting enabled."
time="2023-09-29T10:08:44+01:00" level=debug currency=USD func="<http://github.com/infracost/infracost/internal/config.(*RunContext).IsCloudEnabled|github.com/infracost/infracost/internal/config.(*RunContext).IsCloudEnabled>" file="/home/runner/work/infracost/infracost/internal/config/run_context.go:259" sync_usage=false enable_cloud_org=false msg="IsCloudEnabled is true with org level setting enabled."
time="2023-09-29T10:08:44+01:00" level=debug file="/home/runner/work/infracost/infracost/cmd/infracost/run.go:139" func=main.runMain msg="Skipping sending project results since Infracost Cloud upload is not enabled."
time="2023-09-29T10:08:44+01:00" level=debug currency=USD func="<http://github.com/infracost/infracost/internal/apiclient.(*APIClient).doRequest|github.com/infracost/infracost/internal/apiclient.(*APIClient).doRequest>" file="/home/runner/work/infracost/infracost/internal/apiclient/client.go:57" sync_usage=false enable_cloud_org=false msg="'POST' request to '/event' using trace_id: 'a7f9dea2-d562-46d7-a44f-849be02c4077'"
time="2023-09-29T10:08:44+01:00" level=debug sync_usage=false func="<http://github.com/infracost/infracost/internal/apiclient.(*LeveledLogger).Debug|github.com/infracost/infracost/internal/apiclient.(*LeveledLogger).Debug>" file="/home/runner/work/infracost/infracost/internal/apiclient/log.go:25" enable_cloud_org=false library=retryablehttp currency=USD msg="performing request method POST url <https://pricing.api.infracost.io/event>"
Thanks @brief-ice-47661, not seeing anything obvious there. Are you able to provide code that reproduces this issue?
@little-author-61621 Not at the moment, I can provide you with the tree with commands I used if that would be helpful?
I think we’ll need a full example to reproduce this since the error seems to be coming from the Terragrunt libraries we are using internally.
@little-author-61621 I have attached the entire debug report, there are a few errors such as "exec: no command", could this be the cause? I will see if I can get some reproducable code for you
Hey @little-author-61621 Did you happen to find anything in the debug report?
Hi @brief-ice-47661, it could be the
exec: no command
stuff, but I don’t think I can get any further with this without a reproducible example.