trying to make sure i’m not misunderstanding the u...
# help
trying to make sure i’m not misunderstanding the usage file, but is there currently a way to model network traffic costs between google compute instances? The reference table is here:, under the headings of
VM-VM egress
VM-Google Service
, and
Internet Egress
@mammoth-petabyte-35946 this file contains all the current usage parameters. Not sure if there's anything there that works for you.
The only parameters I can see are for network appliances like load balancers, service connectors, etc. Just trying to check my own understanding. I’d like to add it if it’s not there, but work has gotten pretty busy as of late so I can’t commit to it
👍 thanks @mammoth-petabyte-35946 yeah it doesn’t seem like it has what you want. We’re happy to accept contributions to add support for new prices.