Hey all, I was wondering it markdown support for t...
# help
Hey all, I was wondering it markdown support for the breakdown command was ever prioritized or if there might be an eta?
Hi @refined-optician-52834! It’s not something that’s on our current roadmap. Feel free to add any suggestions here https://github.com/infracost/infracost/issues/605, and we can re-open it to gauge interest.
Thanks! I’ve added it to the agenda of our next internal weekly grooming meeting. We’ll make a decision if it’s 1. Something we want to bring onto our roadmap and implement 2. A contribution we would accept from an external contributor 3. Something we don’t want to support in the near term I’ll get back to you following this.
Thanks @little-author-61621. My solution right now requires a python script be duplicated in every repo so having it built in would really help a lot!
Hi @refined-optician-52834, sorry for the delay on this. We decided this isn’t something we have capacity to support at the moment.
Understood. It’s a shame. I think a lot of people could use a markdown version for their readme. Thanks for the help! We are gonna have to find another solution! I appreciate you!