Hey, I am struggling to get costs for an `aws_ecs_...
# help
Hey, I am struggling to get costs for an
resource in a terragrunt project. I see the following in the logs:
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infracost --version
Infracost v0.10.22
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time="2023-06-06T11:39:48-04:00" level=info msg="Hiding cost with no usage: module.service.aws_ecs_service.this 'Per GB per hour'"
time="2023-06-06T11:39:48-04:00" level=info msg="Hiding cost with no usage: module.service.aws_ecs_service.this 'Per vCPU per hour'"
time="2023-06-06T11:39:48-04:00" level=info msg="Hiding resource with no usage: module.service.aws_ecs_service.this"
is deployed via Fargate and has
set and the
pointing at the arn.
Hi, can you share the hcl?
Sure.. any parts that are more useful than others? It's built as a dynamic resource so has all possible options on it. Might be easier to pull the state for the deployed resources so that only the applicable values are noted. Give me a few to do that.
yeah ideally some sanitized/minimal example that reproduces the problem
Do you know if the actual task definition needs to be in the same plan/state as the service? In our case that is in a different module so the aws_ecs_service resource in the plan/state just has an ARN reference to the task definition, but the definition itself would be separate.
yeah we need some way to read the task definition and we can only process the reference if the definition hcl is loaded also
Okay that would explain it then 🙂 Thank you for that!