Hi! A general question about Infracost. I see that...
# help
Hi! A general question about Infracost. I see that the product can be used as part of a CI/CD workflow to track the cost of external services used like Terraform, AWS EC2 instances etc., but can it also be configured track the cost of the CI/CD minutes used to run the workflow?
Hi Kevin, if you’re referring to tracking costs accrued by a 3rd party CI/CD system, unfortunately this isn’t something that Infracost currently supports. What CI/CD system are you using?
Codemagic CI/CD by Nevercode. For transparency, I lead the Solutions Engineering team there. Was just looking at whether your product could report or estimate usage. Some of our plans run on per minute pricing and we were looking at ways for customers on that plan to see how much they might use. Your product came up in discussion with a colleague.
Ah right I understand your question a bit more. Yes we support resource usage through our usage file. However, your use case isn’t really a something we support. However, depending on what infrastructure you run on and how you provision jobs you could probably hack Infracost to give you the information you need. e.g. you could tweak the usage file based on your customers expected CI/CD minutes.
Thanks Hugo. I’ll take a look at the usage file and discuss with our engineering team.