Hello, thanks for an excellent project! I was able...
# help
Hello, thanks for an excellent project! I was able to get the self-hosted pricing api up quickly and am impressed with my initial results. I am working inside of a build system that uses only environment variables, no files (for referencing with the --terraform-var-file option). I found this: https://www.infracost.io/docs/features/environment_variables/#terraform-environment-variables but it's not entirely clear to me. Does Infracost consider Terraform Environment Variables *TF_VAR_*_name_ (as in https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/cli/config/environment-variables#tf_var_name ) when estimating? For example, I might have an input variable "num_servers_to_build", that terraform uses as a "multiplier" for deploying AWS instances, that should influence the estimate. Another example is when the region is set in these TF_VAR_name environment variables. Given that, should the two commands yield the same estimate? $ infracost breakdown --terraform-var num_servers_to_build=2 vs $ export TF_VAR_number_server_to_build=2; infracost breakdown
Hi, yes infracost breakdown should pick up TF_VAR_* variables.
Thanks for your reply.