Hello there. I was about creating a workflow.yml f...
# help
Hello there. I was about creating a workflow.yml for gh action and had an issue. So I have multiple pipeline in 1 workflow (terrafrom fmt, checkov etc...), and all these pipelines can run
on: pull_request
but Infracost syntax runs only with this syntax
on: [pull_request]
. Is there any other option to fix this issue? Thank you in advance.
Hello! 🙂 Let me take a quick look at our actions and I'll get back to you.
Yes, our examples show
on: [pull_request]
, however this should be identical to
on: pull_request
according to GH workflows docs: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#using-multiple-events
Could you please elaborate a bit what you see? The steps with Infracost are not running? Or you don't receive a comment?
Error: either --commit or --pull-request is required
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
From my understanding that Infracost is not recognizing the
on: pull_request
If you see this error, this means that the Infracost commands are running. Thus the trigger was correct
Can you show the exact command you're running for
infracost comment
This error tells that the command lacks required flags
Copy code
run: |
            infracost comment github --path=/tmp/infracost.json \
                                     --repo=$GITHUB_REPOSITORY \
                                     --github-token=${{github.token}} \
                                     --pull-request=${{github.event.pull_request.number}} \
Hm, looks right. Which can mean that
is not defined
Keep in mind I had the error above when push to my branch
But do you have an open PR for this branch?
Hold on I think I know the issue
I just double checked on my own repo and the workflow picks up the number. I have
pull-request: write
permission btw
Thanks Vadim it was indeed the issue. Missing permission. Now Infracost is running on PR. Another question. I have also an event trigger on Push in workflow. And this will show an error with Infracost. Is there a way to exclude Infracost from Push?
Thanks for your help Vadim! 😎
Of course! 🙂